Chalais Students' mobility - the report

  • Monday, 14 March 2022

    The 1st Erasmus Day together starts at 8.30 am at the school. First, a French girl shows us her school, where about 200 children are taught by 20 teachers. There are many classrooms, a library and a beautifully decorated Erasmus corner. Afterwards, we receive presents in the schoolyard and play a game of get-to-know-you bingo. In two classrooms, we make name tags that also identify our group for the week (colours!). Now we all take a little walk through Chalais together and visit the weekly market. There is lots of cheese, wine, asparagus, fish and seafood. We find live eels in a crate particularly impressive. After a delicious lunch in the large refectory, the groups split up: Two groups walk to the theatre for rehearsal. Two groups prepare their theatre rehearsal (props). Two groups create a poster on the theme "My colourful world". After some free time in the schoolyard, the school day is over and we go home to our host families.


    Tuesday, 15 March 2022

    We meet again at 8.30 am in the school yard. Zekeriyya tells us about his exciting evening. As his host child had to go to hospital, he was taken to a new family in the evening. Like yesterday afternoon, two groups are now rehearsing in the theatre, two groups are making props for their theatre programme and two groups are designing a poster on the theme "My colourful world". At 12.00 we meet again in the refectory for lunch. After a little free time, we all visit the castle in Chalais together. It is about 600 years old and a nice elderly lady shows us many rooms, furniture and objects. Afterwards we are allowed to visit the town hall and meet the mayor. He welcomes the whole Erasmus team. After his little speech, there are delicious drinks, sweets and cake for all of us. Around 5 p.m. we go back to our host families.


    Wednesday, 16 March 2022

    Today is a special day. Our day trip to Bordeaux starts at 9.00 am. After an hour and a half bus ride we reach our destination. First we walk through the city of Bordeaux together with the Turkish group and a tour guide. She tells us many interesting things about the history, the coat of arms, the people and the houses of the city. In the past, Bordeaux was a famous and important port city and is now world-famous for its good wine. After the city tour we are all hungry and go to Mc Donalds for lunch. Well fortified, we finally get to go shopping. We are on a super long shopping street with many, many shops. In a souvenir shop, we pick out great pencils for our Berlin classmates as souvenirs. Finally, we are allowed to ride the Ferris wheel and have a wonderful view over the city. We return to Chalais at around 5 pm. Our host families pick us up from school in the evening.


    Thursday, 17 March 2022

    The school day starts again at 8.30 am. Again, two groups go to the theatre for rehearsals, two groups prepare requisites and two groups design a poster for the competition. Around 11.30 a.m. we meet again at school and go to the refectory for lunch. After a break, another excursion by bus starts at 1.30 pm. We visit a small, pretty place with a cave church. It was carved into a mountain 1,000 years ago and is up to 17 metres high inside. We are very impressed. After the visit we stroll through the old town and take many photos. In the evening we are back at our host families.


    Friday, 18 March 2022

    The day starts with the big theatre rehearsal. This time we are all together in the theatre and can practise one last time with our group for the show in the afternoon. At 11.30 we are at school for lunch. Afterwards we go to the supermarket and can shop with our pocket money. Then at the bakery, everyone gets to choose something. Back at school, we first choose the most beautiful poster - "Team Black" wins. Now we play CLUEDO in our groups. With various clues hidden in the classrooms, we have to solve a puzzle together. Afterwards we walk to the theatre and the big performance begins, everyone is terribly excited. Luckily everything goes well and we get a big applause from the families, the press, the mayor, the local council and of course the teachers. Now all the pupils get a great book about the region around Chalais as a present from the local council. In addition, the winners of the week are honoured and they get a small prize. Our teachers also get a little surprise. The atmosphere is great and quite festive, so it's hard to say goodbye in the evening.